So for my Child Development class, I had to make a baby book. We could have made it of ourselves, someone we knew or an imaginary person that we wanted make up. I chose to make one for myself because I recently had gotten a Cricut, which is a scrap booking machine. It cuts out letters that can be glued onto scrap booking paper. I absolutely love it!
Even though my mother had already made me a baby book when I was small, it needed some new revisions. Everything from back then just looked so old to me, so i decided to gloss it up a bit. I was so happy my mom added pictures and such to my original book because otherwise I would have not been able to really do the assignment.
I noticed how lucky I was that my parents had taken pictures of every event that I had been in when I started working on my boyfriends baby book. I decided to start making one for him a few weeks ago. He is a a senior this year and I remember how everyone thought how nice it was that I had a scrapbook of myself at my graduation party. So i figured I could make one for his graduation because boys really don't care about those kinds of things.
As I was going through his baby pictures, I noticed that I hadn't found any from his birthdays or really any holidays. That's when I noticed that he could never relive those memories from when he was a kid. I felt grateful for my parents and everything they had saved for me to remember. I'm glad I do not have any lost memories.