As we all know, it is Oktoberfest time. What many do not know, is that one special child is picked every year to become the special fester. My brother was the Oktoberfest Special Fester in 2005. I was so proud to see him wave in the parade and make a new family. This years special fester is one of my brothers friends. My family had went to the Special Fester Ball which is when they announce the special fester for that year. Mitchell was excited when he found out that it was his friend Breven. He jumped up off of his seat when he heard Breven's name called. He couldn't wait to congratulate him and give him a hug. It was so wonderful to see Mitch so happy.
This past Tuesday, the Oktoberfest committee always has a day where past special festers have a day for riding the rides and having lunch. Since I didn't have class until later that day, I decided to walk over to the south side fest grounds. When I got there, my brother automatically wanted me to go on the tilt-a-whirl with him. I wanted to try it, but didn't know if I should due to the fact that I had once thrown up after getting off of that certain ride. But I decided to brave it out because I knew it would have made my brother glad. Surprisingly enough, I had actually enjoyed going on the ride. I didn't feel sick at all. Then I had a sudden urge for greasy food. Since my mom had met us there I was glad that I didn't have to pay for the very expensive carny food. After eating a corn dog, some cheese curds and half of a funnel cake, I knew that it was time to go back to school. I didn't want to because I was having such a good time, but I knew I had to. As I was leaving, my brother came up to me, gave me a huge hug and said thanks for the wonderful afternoon. That was the best day of my week. Knowing that I could make his day better, made my day better.
I have to tell you Sam that when I read your Blog about your brother and you, sometimes I get tears in my eyes. It is not tears of sadness, but of good feelings of support and hapiness for you and your brother and family. I know it cant always be easy but you make sound like it is. I love to read the stories and I think you will be a great Special Teacher. I like how you view that it might of been good for Mitchell, but it was great for you too. Thanks for the great weekly stories.